
40 Meter Vertical with 6 Elevated Radials (11 MB)
    MMANA-GAL Antenna File
    EZNEC Antenna File
40 Meter Vertical image

ALS-600 QSK & High Gain Modifications
    AD5X ALS-600 QSK Modification Instructions


Choke Balun (on 80 Meter inverted V antenna) (1.2 MB)

Choke Balun image

Time Domain Reflectometer (900 kB)

TDR image

2 Meter Homebrew Mobile Antenna (2.4 MB)

Mobile Antenna image

Anderson PP Distribution Box

Anderson PP Distribution Box

SSB - Christmas Tree

SSB Christmas Tree image

Links to excellent sources of information on Antennas and Baluns,

A Ham's Guide to RFI, Ferrites, Baluns, and Audio Interfacing by Jim Brown K9YC

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